Dance news

"DANCE, when you're broken open
 DANCE, if you've torn the bandage off
 DANCE in the middle of fighting
 DANCE in your blood
 DANCE when you're perfectly free
 ...but always, always DANCE your life's dance."

The first-ever "Awaken The Heart Dance" took place on Friday evening, November 8th, in Rochester NY, under the auspices of The Heartwork Institute.  The event, which was held at Absolute Yoga Studio, provided a comfortable and safe space to practice consciousness through awareness of body, movement and sound.   Facilitated by a rhythmic and  eclectic selection of world music, participants were encouraged to be in touch with their inner state and to be present in what ever way felt right to them. Some let go into an active ecstatic dance while others connected by stretching, unwinding or just being still.  The men and women seemed to find their own individual styles, body rhythms and expressions.

David Ruekberg offers this beautiful description of the evening:  “Some people danced on their feet all night, some danced on their feet part of the time, unwound on their blanket part of the time, watched or grooved quietly part of the time. Besides freeform dancing, there were moments of tango, of waltz. An angel twirled a few dancers in her scarf, and then there were two angels with a scarf, wrapping and twirling dancers in their magic. Two people spun each other until they became butter. Two men locked hands and met each other’s muscle. A man and a woman danced face-to-face, then back-to-back.”

Eileen Oshea shared her heartfelt thoughts as well:  "I welcome any chance to reach out and be sustained by my Heartwork family. But this opportunity also offered a chance to expand  my Heartwork circle. My body becomes a conduit for joy and spiritual expression in this community where I feel loved, supported and understood. I leave lighter and more alive."

 Patricia, who experienced  a Heartwork event for the very first time shared this:
  "i would like to say thank you to those who had this vision and initiated this first attempt. I believe in dance in its ecstatic form and it is nice to know that right here in Rochester we can participate in this venue. It was nice to see everyone participating in their own way.i  personally found it somewhat challenging to just let go and dance amongst strangers so i went next door for a bit to the photography exhibit ....and once i was relaxed i was able to re-enter  the dance and participate.

Peggy Quackenbush reflects on her personal experience: "The Heartwork Dance event was a joyous experience for me. I was a little worried that I would feel self-conscious. But everyone was so warm, and the music was so lively and lyrical and varied, that I felt quite safe. It was wonderful to share this with everyone!"

David  Ruekberg  was our music coordinator and DJ for the evening and he suggests:  “If you have requests for music for the next dance or two, please send titles or, better yet, high quality MP3 files to”

Plans for the next dance are already in progress, so look for us in January 2014. What a great way to "open" in the New Year! or the new you?

 "Awaken The Heart Dance" was made possible by devoted and loving members of the Rochester Heartwork community and the Heartwork Institute, whose collective intention is to facilitate and support the awakening of consciousness in individuals and in the world.
Reported by
Valerie Siciliano